The Curse of Too Much Inspiration

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Because we purchased a fixer upper property, I spent large amounts of time looking at wonderful ideas and inspiration.   However, I have discovered that looking at home and garden magazines for inspiration for our place is something of a curse....

We have multiple places that need improvements or upgrades. There is always another task on the to-do list, another project to tackle, another area that needs repairs or improvements. We will talk about five different projects all requiring decent amounts of time and labor and usually have two or three projects going simultaneously.  I think that we might be slightly overly ambitious.

For example, we recently talked about creating a nice area to have a fire pit with some benches and chairs. We started by looking online for inspiration and ideas.

The problem is that we don't have an area where this can easily be created.  We have an area that we fondly call "the jungle" because it is overgrown with weeds and vines.  Our son is convinced that Bigfoot lives there.  


Beautiful isn't it.  It's OK if you laugh; we do.  It isn't as though we don't have enough repair and upgrade projects that need to get completed; we invent more.  

Maybe I should stop reading magazines. 

Or at least stop looking at the pictures.

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It took years but we finally got most of shrubs and vines and trash cleared out of the area. For now we have just left the area open and grassy. Someday we may still create a firepit and seating area, but in the meantime we look and dream.