The Season of Giving

The holidays are considered the season of giving while shopping for presents for loved one. For many Christmas is a time of giving and charity. But sometimes we still wonder, have we taught our children to be charitable and grateful? When they are arguing about getting rid of old toys to donate, I wonder if they have actually learned the message we have tried to teach.  It can be very hard to teach children about hunger when they have never experienced it.  They grumble about doing schoolwork without realizing that other children will never have the opportunity.

For the holidays in our home, it is not unusual to receive gifts for items that you need such as socks or baking pans.  Still, even more in this season, we try to be extremely grateful for all of our everyday blessings. Here are some small ways we try to give back during the holidays:

  1. Salvation Army - Many of us donate to the bell ringers that we see outside of stores. The Salvation Army uses donations to operate homeless shelters, food pantries, rent & utility assistance, and the Angel Tree program. On their website, you can find other ways to help and donate locally.

  2. Food Pantries - Find your local organizations that offer a food pantry, groceries, clothing, and much more. These groups are local so they know what is most needed in your area and how to best offer it.

  3. Toys for Tots - Founded in 1947, this organization collects toys for children as well as support programs for literacy and Native American reservations. This program is an official program of the Marine Corps Reserve

  4. Donate Blood - So many people need blood donations at various times due to surgery, emergencies, cancer treatment, and illness. Give a true lifesaving donation and be a hero.

  5. Little Free Pantry / Little Free Bookshelf - These little grassroots boxes have popped up all over the country supported by the neighborhood to provide extra food and encourage reading. Take what you need; give what you can. Not every panty is on the map so if you have one in your community, add it to map. This is an easy way to give back in your area.

  6. Donate outdoor gear - Many organizations accept outdoor gear to help youth and underserved communities get outside. Talk to local scout leaders or outdoor organizations to see if they need donations. You can also mail them in to the Gear Fix.

  7. Drive veterans - Register with DAV to volunteer to help drive veterans to meetings and appointments. Other volunteer opportunities exist.

Being the Robertsholiday